The FarAboveAll translation of the Old Testament from the Masoretic Hebrew and Aramaic (WLC). See details on

Version 0.35.76, 26 August 2024


Hosea Chapter 10

1Israel is a luxuriant vine;

It yields its fruit.

But in proportion to the abundance of its fruit,

It has increased its altars.

In proportion to the goodness of its land,

They have been good at erecting idolatrous statues.

2Their heart is divided;

Now they will bear their guilt.

He will break the necks of their altars;

He will devastate their idolatrous statues.

3For they will now say,

“We have no king,

For we have not feared the Lord”,

And, “What would a king do for us?”

4They have spoken words,

Swearing falsely,

Making a covenant,

So that judgment flourishes like hemlock in the furrows of the field.

5The inhabitants of Samaria will fear for the calves of Beth-Aven,

For its people shall mourn for it,

As will the idolatrous priests who rejoiced over it

– Over its glory,

Which has departed from it.

6This too will be carried to Assyria,

As a present for King Jareb.

Ephraim will receive shame,

And Israel will be ashamed because of his counsel.

7Samaria with her king is reduced to silence,

Like foam on the surface of the sea.

8And the idolatrous raised sites of Aven will be destroyed.

They are Israel's sin.

Thorns and brambles will come up on their altars.

And they will say to the mountains,

Cover us”,

And to the hills,

Fall on us.

9From the days of Gibeah

You have sinned, O Israel.

There they took a stand.

Did not battle befall them in Gibeah

Because of the wicked men?

10In my longing I would chastise them

When nations were gathered against them,

When they joined battle at their two fountains.

11But Ephraim is a trained calf,

Which likes to tread corn,

And I passed over the beauty of her neck.

I will cause Ephraim to be ridden,

And Judah will plough,

And Jacob will harrow for him.

12Sow righteousness for yourselves,

Reap in proportion to your mercy,

And break up fallow land for yourselves,

For it is time to be seeking the Lord

Until he comes

And rains righteousness on you.

13You have ploughed injustice,

You have reaped iniquity,

You have eaten the fruit of falsehood,

For you put trust in your own way

– In the greatness of your warriors.

14And a tumult will arise among your people,

And all your fortified cities will be plundered,

As when Shalman plundered Beth-Arbel on the day of battle,

When a mother was dashed to pieces with her sons.

15So shall Beth-El do to you,

Because of your great wickedness;

At dawn, the king of Israel will be utterly reduced to silence.

Reference(s) in Chapter 10: v.8 ↔ Luke 23:30, Revelation 6:16.
