The FarAboveAll translation of the Old Testament from the Masoretic Hebrew and Aramaic (WLC). See details on

Version 0.35.76, 26 August 2024


Hosea Chapter 11

1When Israel was a child,

I loved him,

And I called my son from Egypt.

2As they called them,

So they departed from their presence.

They sacrificed to the Baalim,

And they burnt incense to carved images.

3And I taught Ephraim to walk,

Taking them by their arms,

But they did not know that I had healed them.

4I drew them with human cords,

With strings of love,

And I was to them like those who lift off the yoke on their jaws.

And I stretched my hand out to them

And fed them.

5He shall not return to the land of Egypt,

Or go to Assyria, which was his king

When they refused to repent.

6And the sword was wielded in his cities,

And it wasted his officials,

And it devoured them,

Because of their counsels.

7But my people are bent on backsliding from me.

Although they call upon him

– To the Most High –

They collectively do not exalt him.

8How could I give you up, Ephraim,

Or deliver you up, Israel?

How could I give you up, like Admah,

Or make you like Zeboim?

My heart has turned within me;

My consolations are altogether kindled.

9I will not execute the fury of my anger;

I will not ruin Ephraim again,

For I am God, and not man

– The holy one in your midst –

And I will not come in anger.

10They shall walk after the Lord;

He shall roar like a lion.

When he roars,

Sons of men tremble more than they do from a roaring sea.

11They will tremble like a bird from Egypt

Or a dove from the land of Assyria.

Then I will settle them in their houses,

Says the Lord.

12Ephraim has surrounded me with falsehood,

And the house of Israel with deceit,

But Judah still walks with God,

And is faithful with the holy ones.

Reference(s) in Chapter 11: v.1 ↔ Matthew 2:15.
