The FarAboveAll translation of the Old Testament from the Masoretic Hebrew and Aramaic (WLC). See details on

Version 0.35.76, 26 August 2024


Hosea Chapter 12

1Ephraim is feeding on wind

And is pursuing the eastern blast.

All day long he does more fraud and plundering,

And they have made a covenant with Assyria,

And oil is brought to Egypt.

2And the Lord has a quarrel with Judah,

And a reason to visit Jacob according to his ways.

He will recompense him according to his works.

3In the womb he supplanted his brother,

And in his strength he wrestled with God.

4And he contended with the angel,

And he prevailed.

He wept and entreated him.

In Beth-El he found him,

And there he spoke with us.

5And the Lord is the God of hosts;

The Lord is his memorial name.

6And you will return to your God.

Keep mercy and judgment,

And wait for your God, always.

7He is a merchant.

In his hand are false balances;

He loves to defraud.

8And Ephraim said,

“Surely I have become rich;

I have found wealth for myself.

In all my labours they will not find in me any wrongdoing,

Which would be sin.”

9But I am the Lord your God

From the land of Egypt.

I will yet have you dwell in tents,

As on the days of the festival.

10And I have spoken through the prophets,

And I have increased the number of visions,

And I have given metaphors through the intermediacy of the prophets.

11Is Gilead vanity?

Surely they are falsehood.

They sacrifice oxen in Gilgal,

And their altars are like heaps of stones in the furrows of the field.

12And Jacob fled to the country of Aramaea,

And Israel served there for a wife,

And for a wife he kept sheep.

13And by a prophet

The Lord brought Israel up out of Egypt,

And by a prophet

He was guarded.

14Ephraim provoked the Lord bitterly,

And he will leave his acts of bloodshed on him,

And his Lord will requite him his reproach.
