The FarAboveAll translation of the Old Testament from the Masoretic Hebrew and Aramaic (WLC). See details on

Version 0.35.76, 26 August 2024


Job Chapter 12

1Then Job answered and said,

2“Truly, you constitute a people.

But your wisdom will die with you.

3But I also have intellect like you;

I am not inferior to you.

And who is not familiar with such things?

4I am an object of scorn to my neighbour

– One calling to God for him to answer him.

A just and integrous man is an object of scorn.

5A lamp is an object of contempt to the thoughts of him who is at ease,

Although it is prepared for those who are liable to stumble.

6The tents of the plunderers are at ease,

And those who provoke God have confidence

In what God brings in his hand.

7But ask, I pray, the beasts,

And each will teach you,

And the birds of the sky,

And they will inform you.

8Or speak to the earth

And it will teach you,

And the fish of the sea will recount it to you.

9Who does not know by means of all these

That the hand of the Lord has done this?

10– In whose hand the existence of every living being is,

And the spirit of all human flesh.

11Does not the ear discern the sense of words,

And the palate taste food?

12In the elderly is wisdom,

And in great age is understanding.

13With him there is wisdom and mastery;

He has counsel and understanding.

14Behold, he demolishes a building

So that it cannot be built up.

He shuts off a way to a man,

And it cannot be opened again.

15Behold, he shuts off water,

And it dries up,

And when he sends it again,

It overturns the earth.

16He has strength and insight;

He has dominion over him who goes astray

And him who leads astray.

17He leads counsellors stripped of honour,

And he makes a fool of judges.

18He dissolves the punishment inflicted by kings,

And he binds a girdle around their waist.

19He leads priests stripped of office,

And he overthrows the mighty.

20He removes the eloquence of the confident orator,

And he deposes the discernment of the elders.

21He pours contempt on dignitaries,

And he loosens the girdle of the mighty.

22He uncovers deep things from darkness,

And he brings the shadow of death into the light.

23He makes nations great

Then brings them to ruin;

He lets nations expand

Then leads them back.

24He removes reason from the chiefs of the various peoples of the earth

And causes them to wander in desolation,

Where there is no thoroughfare.

25They grope in the dark,

Where there is no light,

And he causes them to wander

Like a drunkard.

Reference(s) in Chapter 12: v.14 ↔ Revelation 3:7.
