The FarAboveAll translation of the Old Testament from the Masoretic Hebrew and Aramaic (WLC). See details on

Version 0.35.76, 26 August 2024


Job Chapter 13

1Behold, my eye has seen everything;

My ear has heard it

And understood it.

2What you know,

I know too.

I am not inferior to you.

3But I would like to speak to the Almighty,

And I desire to reason with God.

4But you are fabricators of falsehood;

You are all physicians of no value.

5If only you would altogether keep silence;

For it would be wisdom to you.

6Hear, I pray, my reasoning,

And hearken to the contentions of my lips.

7Will you speak iniquitously to God ?

And speak deceitfully to him?

8Will you show partiality with him?

Or contend with God?

9Is it right that he should investigate you?

Or will you mock him as one mocks a man?

10He will certainly reprove you

If you secretly show partiality.

11Will not his exalted position alarm you

And his fear fall upon you?

12Your weighty sayings are proverbs of ashes;

Your defences are defences of clay.

13Stop talking to me,

And I will speak.

Then let come what may

Come on me.

14Why do I take my flesh in my teeth

And put my life in my hands?

15 Look, I do not expect him to kill me,

But I will contend for my ways before him.

16He is also my salvation,

For no profane person can come into his presence.

17Hear my words attentively,

And heed my arguments in your ears.

18Look, I pray, I have set out my case;

I know I shall be justified.”

19“Who is it who would contend with me?

For if I now keep silence,

I will expire.

20But avoid doing two things to me,

Then I need not be hidden from your presence.

21Remove your hand from me,

And do not alarm me with your foreboding.

22Then call, and I will answer,

Or I will speak, and you can answer me.

23How many iniquities and sins have I committed?

Make my transgression and my sin known to me.

24Why do you hide your face

And consider me to be your enemy?

25Will you put fear into a leaf

That is driven about?

Or will you pursue dry chaff?

26For you indict me with bitter things,

And you load on me the iniquities of my youth,

27Putting my feet in the stocks,

And watching all my paths closely,

And imprinting a mark on the soles of my feet,

28Each of which wastes away like rot,

As a moth eats a garment.
