The FarAboveAll translation of the Old Testament from the Masoretic Hebrew and Aramaic (WLC). See details on

Version 0.35.76, 26 August 2024


Job Chapter 29

1Then Job again delivered a discourse on his part and said,

2“If only I were as in months past,

As in the days when God protected me,

3When he shone his light on my head,

When I walked by his light in darkness,

4When I was in my autumnal days,

With the secret counsel of God in my tent,

5When the Almighty was still with me,

When my children were round about me,

6When my steps were washed with buttermilk

And the rock poured out streams of oil for me,

7When I went out to the gate of the city,

And when I prepared my seat in the street.

8Young men would see me and make way for me,

And old men would rise and stand.

9Princes would hold back their words

And put their hand to their mouth.

10The voice of the governors would be hushed,

And their tongue would cleave to their palate.

11For the ear that heard me would bless me,

And the eye that saw me would bear witness to me.

12For I delivered the poor who cried out,

And the orphan who had no-one to help him.

13The blessing for him who was dying would fall to me,

And I would cause the heart of the widow to rejoice.

14I put on righteousness,

And it clothed me;

My justice was as a coat and turban.

15I was eyes to the blind,

And I was feet to the lame.

16I was a father to the poor,

And if there was a dispute

Which I did not know the details of,

I would investigate it.

17And I broke the incisors of the unjust,

And I plucked the spoil out of his teeth.

18And I said,

‘I will expire when my home does,

And multiply my days like the sand.’

19My root spread out to the water,

And dew lodged on my branch.

20The honour I had was fresh,

And my bow in my hand was full of vitality.

21Men would listen to me and wait;

They would be silent for my advice.

22After my words they did not differ with me,

And my words condensed on them.

23And they waited for me as for rain,

And they would open their mouth as for the latter rain.

24They had the certainty that I would not laugh at them,

And they would never depress my cheerfulness.

25I chose their course of action for them,

And I sat as chief,

And I dwelt like a king among his troops,

And as one who comforts those who mourn.
