The FarAboveAll translation of the Old Testament from the Masoretic Hebrew and Aramaic (WLC). See details on

Version 0.35.76, 26 August 2024


Job Chapter 37

1Moreover, at this my heart trembles,

And it is unsettled.

2Listen diligently to the raging of his voice,

And the rumbling which proceeds from his mouth.

3He directs it under all the heavens,

And his light extends to the extremities of the earth.

4After it, the sound roars.

He causes thunder with his majestic sound,

And no-one can trace these things

When his voice is heard.

5God thunders with his voice wondrously,

Performing great deeds

Which we do not know about.

6For to the snow he says,

‘Be on the earth’,

And similarly to the showery rain

And to his strong heavy downpours.

7He puts an end to the work of every man,

So that all men may know of his workmanship.

8Then the wild animal comes to its lair

And dwells in its den.

9From the south comes the whirlwind,

And from the north comes the cold.

10From God's breath, he makes ice,

And the expanse of water is changed to solid.

11Also with moisture he gives the thick cloud a payload,

But his sunlight dissipates a dense haze.

12Each turns round and round

According to his direction for them to act.

They do everything he commands them

On the face of the inhabited regions on earth.

13He brings it about,

Whether as chastisement

Or for his land

Or as mercy.

14Hearken to this, Job;

Stand still and contemplate God's wonders.

15Do you know how God directs them

Or causes his lightning to flash?

16Do you know about the technicalities of the cloud?

Or the wondrous works of the omniscient one?

17Or how it is that your clothing is warm

When he quietens the land with wind from the south?

18Can you stretch out the skies with him,

Firmly, like a cast mirror?

19Teach us what we should say to him,

For we cannot marshal our arguments,

Because we are in darkness.

20Does it need to be reported to him

When I speak?

If a man speaks perniciously,

Will it not follow that he will be swallowed up?

21And now men do not see the light.

It is bright in the upper sky

When the wind has passed through and cleaned it.

22Golden light comes from the north;

Upon God is awesome splendour.

23We cannot find the Almighty.

He is great in power and justice,

And abundant in righteousness.

He does not afflict.

24Therefore men fear him;

None of the wise in heart can see him.”
