The FarAboveAll translation of the Old Testament from the Masoretic Hebrew and Aramaic (WLC). See details on

Version 0.35.76, 26 August 2024


Job Chapter 38

1Then the Lord answered Job from a whirlwind and said,

2“Who is this who darkens counsel

With words without knowledge?

3Gird up your waist like a man,

And I will question you,

And you can answer me.

4Where were you when I founded the earth?

Declare it, if you have understanding.

5Who sets its dimensions?

Tell me, if you know.

Or who stretched out a measuring line over it?

6On what are its foundations sunk?

Or who laid its cornerstone?

7– When the morning stars sang out together,

And all the sons of God shouted for joy?

8– And when he enclosed the sea with doors,

When it broke out?

When it came out of the womb?

9– When I appointed the cloud to be its clothing,

And the dark cloud to be its swaddling clothes?

10– And when I imposed my limit on it

And appointed bolts and doors?

11– And said,

‘You come this far and no further’,

And there the rising up of your waves was blocked?

12Have you in all your days ever commanded the morning?

Or have you informed the dawn of its place?

13Do you know how to take hold of the extremities of the earth

So that the wicked are shaken out of it?

14Or how the earth is changed like clay under a seal?

– Or how morning and dawn stand out as an adornment?

15– And how their light is withheld from the wicked,

And an uplifted arm is broken?

16Have you been to the founts of the sea?

Or have you walked about in the deep for investigations?

17Have the gates of death been revealed to you?

Or have you seen the portals of the shadow of death?

18Do you have understanding of the wide places of the earth?

Tell me, if you know all this.

19Where is the way to where light dwells?

And as for darkness, where is its place?

20Did you take it to its boundary,

And do you understand the paths to its abode?

21Do you know this?

For if you did,

You would have to have been born at that time,

And your days would be very many.

22Have you been to the treasuries of snow?

Or have you seen the repositories of hail,

23Which I have reserved for the time of adversity?

– For the day of battle and war?

24In what way does light divide itself?

In what way does the east wind spread out over the earth?

25Who cut out a channel for a deluge?

– Or a route for lightning in a thunderstorm?

26– To cause it to rain on an earth where no man is,

On a desert in which no person lives?

27– To satiate desolate ground and desolated tracts

So as to cause the growth of sprouting grass?

28Does rain have a father?

Or who begot the dewdrops?

29Out of whose womb does ice come?

And who gives birth to heaven's hoarfrost?

30Like a stone, the water becomes hidden,

And the surface of the deep solidifies.

31Can you bind the delights of the Pleiades?

Or can you loose the cords of Orion?

32Can you bring out each sign of the zodiac in its season?

Or can you guide Arcturus with his sons?

33Do you know the physical laws of the sky?

Can you appoint their dominion over the earth?

34Can you lift up your voice to the clouds,

Commanding them that plenteous water should cover you?

35Can you send lightning strikes,

So that they go and say to you,

‘Here we are’?

36Who put wisdom in the inward parts?

Or who gave understanding to the mind?

37Who can count the clouds in wisdom?

And who can stop up heaven's bottles?

38– When dust is cast into a solid,

And clods of earth cleave together?

39Can you hunt for prey for the lion?

And can you feed the lion cubs?

40For they crouch in their den;

They lie in wait in the thicket.

41Who prepares feed for the raven?

– When its young cry out to God?

When they are perishing for lack of food?
